Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Relics re-released

Following a polite request last month that Thomas Nelson Publishers revert the rights to Relics to me (since it has been declared 'out of stock' for many years) or consider re-issuing the book, I received this reply today:

Mr. Desjarlais,
I apologize for the delay on getting back to you. We are in the process of setting your book up to print on a short-run basis. The price of your book will now be $14.99; your author discount will remain the same as outlined in your original contract. Please contact Sandy Bradley (she is cc’d in this email) to purchase copies of your book. Keep in mind, however, that it will be approximately 3-4 weeks before the book will be print/order ready again.
Allen Arnold (also cc’d) is the Publisher for our Fiction department. You may contact him for further inquiries.
Thank you for your patience while we make your book available again.

Patience? Well, it was about a month since my inquiry, but it's been 16 years since Relics first came out. So I'm glad this timely and relevant story of Christianity's engagement with Islam in the 13th Century can be re-issued. You'll find a story summary and reviews at my web site.

This is amazing, since I've got a contemporary mystery, Bleeder, coming out this August. Now I have two crime novels to promote! In my answer to Nelson, I asked if they might consider a new cover (the original one is pictured above) but I doubt they'll do so, given the added expense.

As soon as I know the points-of-purchase for the re-issued book - in about 4 weeks, they said - I'll post it here. For now, raise a glass and celebrate with me.

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